Volunteers - you make all the difference!!
To ensure the Beaumont Soccer Association can run an efficient program and provide the youth of the community a positive soccer experience, each family is required to fulfill one four-hour volunteer shift. Only one volunteer shift is required for each family i.e. five kids playing from the same family = 1 volunteer shift. However, if you have a BSA community player AND a Selects/Club player, then each family will need to sign up for two volunteer shifts; one for BSA and one for their Selects Club (through their club, not on BSA volunteer site).
When registering to play, each family is required to submit a $250.00 Volunteer Deposit cheque payable to BSA. These cheques are cashed in the event you do not complete or fail to show up for your scheduled volunteer shift.
The volunteer shift needs to be served by a responsible adult over the age of 18. The person does not need to be related to the player, but it is very important that they clearly indicate the player whom they are representing at their volunteer shift when signing in for their volunteer duty.
Your player registration is not complete until your deposit cheque is received.
(cheques to be dropped off at the Ken Nichol Regional Recreations Centre - main lobby wooden box #2)
Volunteer Exemptions:
There is a Volunteer Buy-Out Option of $150 if you do not wish to volunteer. This option is available during the registration process, but once this option is selected, there is no opportunity to change it or to obtain a refund. This opt-out fee can be paid online or by cheque payable to BSA.
If you are have volunteered to Coach, Assistant Coach, Manage a team, or are a member of the Executive Board, or have chosen the volunteer opt-out during registration, then your volunteer shift is considered complete.