BSA Board Positions
BSA President
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Chairs the Executive/Board meetings and AGM
- Prepares the agenda for board meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- BSA representative for the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) meetings
- Act as a signing authority
- Monitors overall operation of BSA
- Prepares annual reports for the AGM
- Organizes by-law changes for the AGM
BSA Vice President
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Back up Chairperson for Executive/Board meetings and AGM
- Develops annual budget with Treasurer
- Act as a signing authority
- Coordinates public relations activities with Media Representative
- Coordinates special committees, including disciplinary committee
- Organizes election of officers for AGM
- As a BSA Board member enforces the by-laws and policies of BSA as required
BSA Treasurer
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Develops annual budget with Vice President for the Executive
- Records income and expenses
- Maintains balanced account books and arranges a yearly review
- Provides a float and receipt book for registration night
- Prepares cheques for payment as required
- Ensures bank statement is accurate
- Coordinates changes in signing authority
- Makes deposits
- Responsible to follow up on NSF cheques from registration
- Prepares financial report for AGM
- Act as a signing authority
BSA Secretary
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Prepares meeting minutes
- Prepares agendas as directed by the President
- Books meeting locations
- Contact members of Executive as necessary
- Act as a signing authority
BSA Administrator
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Paid Part-time Position, non-voting
- Develops and maintains procedures for registration
- Schedules dates for registration
- Decides on methods of late registrations and coordinates with Directors
- Responsible for ensuring forms and other items for registration are available
- Manages registration database input, updating and reporting
- Responsible for following up on incomplete registration information
- Processes and balances money for registration and gives to the Treasurer for deposit
- Institutes and coordinates necessary procedures for refunds
- Gives completed registration information to Directors
- Places advertising
BSA Volunteer Director
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Develops and maintains procedures for volunteers
- Schedules tasks for volunteers
- Maintains the volunteer self-assignment tool
- Responsible for ensuring volunteers receive their deposit cheques back upon completion of their task
- Manages volunteer database, updating and reporting
- Responsible for forwarding volunteer deposit cheques to the Treasurer for those volunteers who do not complete their task
- Builds Sign In sheets for each main volunteer activity
- Attends monthly BSA Executive Board meetings
- Attends the BSA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
BSA Information Management Director
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Provide an annual report to BSA for the BSA AGM
- Assist the BSA Administrator
- Build Team profiles into TeamSnap
- Maintain Player, Team Officials, Fields in TeamSnap
- Enter all Photo Days schedules into TeamSnap
- Enter all Technical and Goal Keeping training session schedules into TeamSnap
- Keep the (BSA website) up to date, accurate and reliable
- Assist with updating all documents for Team Officials and Parents
BSA Directors at Large
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position
- Provide assistance with various BSA projects such as:
- Parade Float
- Summer Splash Tournament
- Fundraising
- Special Committees
- Technical Team
BSA Referee Assignor
The duties of this position include but are not limited to:
- Volunteer Position, paid, non-voting
- Coordinate with the BSA Administrator to host referee courses
- Provide Referee Mentorship
- Coordinated with the BSA Treasurer on Referee Payment method and structure requirements
- Coordinate with the BSA Executive Board all referee pay adjustments
- Coordinate with EMSA Main Game Scheduler for games and provide fields and timings
- Be readily available to assist of assume the referee position in any given match.